Proyecto Colaborativo

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2010

esteban cuartas aboncy

After two years to appear to the Prize, yesterday for Gabriel Garcia Marquez, third she was the won one.

She has not been the unique one, in Medellín the most educated the institutions than they are not winning in its first attempt benefit from the revision that of its directive, academic, administrative management and of the community, takes control from the prize.

This Tuesday with the premiación of the best ones culminated a process of nine months in which institutions, teachers, managers and students are moderate to him, in different categories, to compete by the recognition of their management for the quality of the education.

In the ceremony, realised in the Metropolitan Theater, each person or named institutional experience represented the celebration of a public who has been witness of his effort to the benefit of the educative community.

With every new year, the recommendations and the task arrived of following them. Today Garci'a Márquez enjoys being the official educative institution with greater level of improvement.

In the deprived sector, the improvement obtained the Calasanz School, whereas the Normal Superior of Medellín was the great winner at night, with the prize to the best official educative institution.

The prize, said to the secretary of Education Felipe Andres Gil Barrier, allows to define improvement routes, to have a discussion with pairs and to document experiences of a city that " educativa&quot is rich in innovation;.

Ana Mercedes Go'mez Martinez, director of the COLOMBIAN, stood out in the ceremony that this newspaper and ProAntioch feel proud for being responsible of the prizes. She does not only conceive to the education as knowledge transmission and for that reason preferred to speak of the importance of the formation in values so that the children and young people get to be essential.

To its turn, Alonso Salazar Jaramillo, mayor of Medellín, culture, knowledge and education emphasized the relation of the incentives for the strategy of development of city formed by triada. It emphasized that to distribute wealth in present time it is to distribute knowledge.

Soon in the finery a recognition to the teachers of Medellín was made. The Adriana educator Maria Agudelo, for example, was winning of the Mention Samuel Barrientos, an example for the city, by its delivery in the interest to make of the Gilberto Álzate Avendaño an institution leader in inclusion.

The experience of each one of the winners deserves well-known and to be talked back by others, for that reason the one of Adriana along with the one of 18 winners more, it will be documented in two books that will make they themselves with the help of professionals.

The fifth edition of the prize made clear that in Medellín quality it has much to show and that the work that realises the teachers has an immense value.

For the 2011, from already the invitation to schools extends public, deprived and those of educative cover: " The single structuring of the report it postulation and the being evaluated by external is a gain for the schools… is a true opportunity to learn and to make the good thing visible that they realise &quot every day; , it said to Gil Barrier.
taken from the newspaper the Colombian
november 16 2010


Colombiatex 2010
26 to 28 January 2010
La despedida fue a punta de caras felices

Fashion moves in the fibers
The movement was what brought them together, despite being so different. And there was this feeling that everything goes side to side or up and down, from when he fell the first white cloth and left in the open, a mannequin dressed in a design aimed precisely, movement, and worth repetitions.
att: diberney lopera lara - FABER ORLANDO MOSQUERA

daniel esneider patiño david

Colombia, in the orbit of 'Gio'
WITH HERNANDEZ AND MORENO in the head tonight, to Peru, Hernán Darío Gómez team will play their last friendly match of the year. Racing steering wheel Antioquia talks about his time in Argentina and Selection.

If the call was for them. And so the Giovanny Hernandez and Moreno, will hold tonight in the friendly match against Peru.

Today, Moreno again be trusted. Is contained in Racing, but not yet off Colombia. The player talks about his time in Argentina and the combined native.

Published on November 17, 2010
Colombian newspaper.

miércoles, noviembre 10, 2010

la moda

in our country he/she became very complex for that an left several fashions, the wrinkled pants, the short pants, among others.
There are also tight and short shirts, the pants become something essential to be up to date, the same as the shoes.
the shoes that are up to date are the comberse, the nike and others

newspaper: the Colombian
it dates: 25/09/10
yarleison palomeque
jhon nevis murillo
ana maria betancour

jueves, noviembre 04, 2010

the dollar and employment, requests for santos/ stiven arango 10-02

dollar and employment, requests for santos

democratic prosperity, leadership calls for specific measures to address the deteriorating exchange rate. revaluation is the factor that the government must control, for the agreement of prosperity for Antioch, which was signed today, is really a successful mechanism

the first agreement of Antioquia and prosperity between the government of Juan Manuel Santos, who was signed today, aims to promote entrepreneurial spirit and innovation of the department. however, business leaders and insisted that we must act to contain the exchange rate and improving employment. and today it will pose to the president.

so yesterday at the Intercontinental Hotel, in the five high schools participated tables large, medium and small entrepreneurs who were working the halls to discuss and propose solutions on issues such as internationalization, business development, tourism, finance and productive transformation

sacado del colombiano del 9 de octubre del 2010

Stiven Alezander Arango Mora 10-02

miércoles, noviembre 03, 2010

Dancing do and undo the pace

say that hip-hop is only for men and blacks , yet a dozen of womans and mans are changing the history forming a grouping the as integrate dancing .

this happen in on academy the "poblado" where a teacher teach to his youth voice to dancing.

Although their fathers is not of agreemen and many people the discriminate, they to the moment of dance charm to alls with their moments and away the badly print that have of the hip-hop

noticia tomada del colombiano, agosto 26 del 2010


yuliana monroy perez

yamile villada serna

Talk about politics

Colombian taken from the November 2, 2010
Colombia's status as a great improvement in the progress of the war in Colombia with the new president Juan Manuel Santos. Now the president makes new strings attached to Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and that now causes a concern to the Colombians, who previous mind with the former president of our country there were some problems.

Students: Sergio Andrés Sánchez Gaviria
Eduar Molina

martes, noviembre 02, 2010

halloween day

traditional Halloween day is celebrated on 31 October in that children use some clothes and go to these meetings, dances and other sites that share and show their costumes.

Also this day is that children can take to the streets and ask for some candy for them to be happy and enjoy what they have.

Gina Marcela Torres
Monica alexandra Guisao
Yesid Sebastian Alvarez