Proyecto Colaborativo
miércoles, noviembre 17, 2010
esteban cuartas aboncy
26 to 28 January 2010
The movement was what brought them together, despite being so different. And there was this feeling that everything goes side to side or up and down, from when he fell the first white cloth and left in the open, a mannequin dressed in a design aimed precisely, movement, and worth repetitions.
daniel esneider patiño david
If the call was for them. And so the Giovanny Hernandez and
Published on November 17, 2010
Colombian newspaper.
miércoles, noviembre 10, 2010
la moda

in our country he/she became very complex for that an left several fashions, the wrinkled pants, the short pants, among others.
There are also tight and short shirts, the pants become something essential to be up to date, the same as the shoes.
the shoes that are up to date are the comberse, the nike and others
newspaper: the Colombian
it dates: 25/09/10
yarleison palomeque
jhon nevis murillo
ana maria betancour
jueves, noviembre 04, 2010
the dollar and employment, requests for santos/ stiven arango 10-02

dollar and employment, requests for santos
sacado del colombiano del 9 de octubre del 2010
Stiven Alezander Arango Mora 10-02
miércoles, noviembre 03, 2010
Dancing do and undo the pace

Talk about politics

Students: Sergio Andrés Sánchez Gaviria
Eduar Molina
martes, noviembre 02, 2010
halloween day
traditional Halloween day is celebrated on 31 October in that children use some clothes and go to these meetings, dances and other sites that share and show their costumes.
Also this day is that children can take to the streets and ask for some candy for them to be happy and enjoy what they have.