A miracle of life was born 7 years ago in the mother and child unitof the Bolivarian clinic. With only 24 weeks of gestation, a size of24 cm, weighing 680 grams, without nails or eyelashes, hit the world conditions miracles premature girl, a baby that inspired thefoundation that today bears his name.
And not only she has been a miracle of clinical vida.la Bolivarianreceives an average of 18 deliveries per day and 580,000 inColombia occur annually, of which 10% should be referred to theneonatal intensive care units.

That is why the founding miracles of life, is an initiative of the Bolivarian Pontifical University and the Bolivarian clinic in order tocontribute to the defense of life from the conception of babies,accompanied by the development of children's early childhoodvulnerable health conditions who are treated in the ICU mother and child unit, the Bolivarian University Clinic.
Edition: the world
Thursday May 26, 2011
MEMBERS: Estefania Restrepo Carmona
Thursday May 26, 2011
MEMBERS: Estefania Restrepo Carmona
Jhonatan blandon vanegas.

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